The Tallow Chandlers’ Response to Net Zero Emissions

Since the Tallow Chandlers signed up as a member of the Livery Climate Action Group (LCAG) in January 2023, we have made significant steps forward in understanding our carbon footprint and our responsibility to make progress towards achieving a net zero profile.

Our first response was to establish a green sub-group reporting to the Hall Management Committee. This was important insofar as it embedded the discussion within the Court committee structure, enabling a diffusion of information as well as a pathway to financial decision making. In May ‘23 the LCAG seminar on a potential Power Purchase Agreement by the Corporation fed into our own discussions relating to an energy strategy.

Following on from this, the decision was made to commission CBRE to provide an Energy Performance Review (deemed more appropriate than an Energy Performance Certificate in view of our historic Hall and diverse property portfolio). The report gave us encouragement that our decision to install heat pumps throughout the Hall has resulted in a positive comparison with similar buildings in respect of energy efficiency. However, it also highlighted the finding that by addressing the use of gas for catering and hot water for the kitchen we could make significant gains essential to any net zero strategy.

I am pleased to report that a proposal to implement these changes has been endorsed and included in the maintenance budget for the next two years.

So, whilst we may not have formulated a Climate Action Plan, the Tallow Chandlers have demonstrated that issues pertaining to climate change have assumed a greater importance and that we have a clear understanding of the way forward. Moreover, we are pleased to demonstrate our support both for the City of London’s Climate Action Strategy and, through LCAG, other Livery Companies in our shared journey towards net zero.

Susan Dalgarno, 

LCAG representative for the Tallow Chandlers’ Company

July 2024