
Report from the Sustainability Dinner held at the Old Bailey

The Solicitors' and Insurers' Liveries worked on a joint dinner with Alderman and Sheriff Alison Gowman that was held in the Grand Hall of the Old Bailey on 14th June. The dinner brought together professionals from the two Liveries and disciplines to discuss how professionals address issues of environmental risk and the role of values and ethics in advising clients. This…

The Role of the City of London and Livery in Meeting the Challenges of the Climate Crisis – Interview with Professor Michael Mainelli

On 18 May 2022, Birkbeck University hosted a joint event with the City of London on climate change and sustainability (see details of the event here). Professor Michael Mainelli, one of the Aldermen of the City of London and Chairman of Z/Yen, the City of London's leading commercial think tank and venture firm, discusses the role of the City of London and…

Furniture Makers’ Company launches Climate Change and Sustainability Committee

The Furniture Makers’ Company has launched a Climate Change and Sustainability Committee, and the inaugural meeting was held by zoom on Tuesday 14 June 2022. It was attended by committee members from the Company along with invited guests Rob Casey and Martin Gettings from the Livery Climate Action Group and Nick Levens from Life’s Kitchen (see photo below) The committee…

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