
Go with the flow: Working with nature and managing catchments

The management of environmental water quality and the impact of agriculture and effluent discharges has been a subject of intense debate in recent times. The Worshipful Company of Water Conservators (WCWC) has responded by organising a programme focusing on the ‘wisdom of water’ in which there is a series of debates, webinars, and think pieces (one was produced last year…

LCAG praised in the Lord Mayor’s Dinner to the Masters, Upper Wardens and Upper Bailiff

In his introductory words to this prestigious annual event, the Lord Mayor, Michael Mainelli, listed the 14 pan-Livery initiatives with which he strongly identifies, in ascending order by number of supporting Livery Companies, concluding with the Livery Climate Action Group with its 100 members. Two masters spoke later: the Master Mercer on “community” and the Master Grocer on “charity”. The…

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