
Accelerating the Transition to a Circular Economy

Many members of LCAG were delighted to attend the Water Conservators’ Livery Company first City Environment debate, aligning to their regular City Water debates.  The topic was "Accelerating the Transition to a Circular Economy".  This topic was selected to explore the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, which seeks to ensure sustainable consumption and production…

Plastics are good for you – by Richard Brown, Worshipful Company of Horners

Plastic pollution continues to make the headlines, and it is easy to blame the plastic industry for its cause. The origin of this however, is improper waste management that has made plastic pollution a worldwide problem. It is seen therefore, as a widespread environmental issue but it needs to be recognised this is caused by many interconnected causes, all of…

Biophilic Design in the City

On the 12th of November 2024, over 300 key players in urban design, health and climate resilience met in the Barbican and online to discuss how to design cities, healthcare, schools, and homes better. Designers and practitioners from the NHS, Dept of Education, Wildlife Trusts, Real Estate owners and investors, Asset managers, media including the BBC, Stop Ecocide International and…

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