Liveries and City of London support Earth Hour 2025

Since 2007 WWF has promoted the idea that for one hour all the lights around the World are turned off to raise awareness of the environmental issues affecting this planet.

Whilst 60 minutes to save the Earth sounds like Mission Impossible and maybe pointless vanity, it would seem that every action however small we take to save carbon or to create a more sustainable and biodiverse world will help to mitigate the impact of our changing climate.

This year on Saturday 22nd March between 20.30 – 21.30 many joined across the World to turn off lights.  Alternatively WWF ask people to devote an hour to something sustainable – reading about the problems, doing some recycling or something positive for the planet.

The City of London Corporation has been participating for over 10 years turning off lights around City buildings and spectacularly on the dome and edifice of St Paul’s Cathedral.

LCAG asked the Hall owning Liveries to take part this year. Whilst Saturday night is usually quiet for Livery events it is a symbolic marking of the need to be mindful of energy use and light pollution.  Participating companies included Plaisterers, Saddlers, Vintners, Glaziers, Bakers Information Technologists, Skinners, Tallow Chandlers, Grocers, Girdlers, Dyers, Fishmongers, Carmen, Coopers, Stationers, Watermen and Lightermen.

Alderman Alison Gowman