LCAG member, the Fishmongers‘ Company, is still closely engaged with its historic trade but the Company’s relationship with fish has developed greatly from its founding purpose of controlling fish trade within the City of London. The Company runs the Discover Seafood – Find local seafood on your doorstep website, connecting the public to locally-caught, in-season seafood, and established the Master Fishmonger Standard – Home a professional certification scheme, to encourage career progression from early career to Master level. And this new blog:
Enabling De-carbonisation in the Seafood Supply Chain – The Fishmongers‘ Company
sets out how the seafood supply chain is seeking to decarbonise and enables users to quantify the carbon emissions in their product supply chains, identify hotspots, and demonstrate seafood’s position as the lowest carbon source of animal protein.
About the Standard. We are passionate about fish and the environment, and believe that those who do good should be rewarded. Developed by the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers (The Fishmongers’ Company), the Master Fishmonger Standard celebrates skilled craftmanship, quality seafood and responsible and sustainable practices.
Discover Seafood helps you find, cook, and eat local, seasonal catches from across the UK and helps you learn about the fishermen, communities and heritage behind them.
Reproduced by permission of the Fishmongers’ Company