
The Pervasiveness of Human Rights in ESG

A criticism of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) over the years has been that it is so broad as to be meaningless.  I would argue that, on the contrary, it needs its breadth to capture the interlinking qualities of ESG, which is more like a Venn diagram than a set of neatly contained boxes.  Human rights provide a good example.  …

Shipping for a Lower Carbon London – Sea-Change Sailing Trust

Since 2007, Sea-Change Sailing Trust has utilized Thames Sailing Barges to offer residential programs tailored for young people, vulnerable adults, and seamanship trainees providing a break from day to day lives, helping developing life skills, sailing skills and perhaps sowing the seeds of personal pride and ambition in some of our young crew. [caption id="attachment_5152" align="alignright" width="203"] Thames Sailing Barge…

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