
City of London Climate Action Strategy 2

The City of London's Climate Action Team present February's Climate Action Strategy. The update is filled with feedback from events, new awards and volunteering opportunities. Read more about the latest initiatives here:

The Other Mayor’s Business Climate Challenge

For interest and information, our Hall, Glaziers’, is working with the Mayor of London’s Business Climate Challenge.  Our objective is to reduce the Hall’s carbon footprint by 10% this year.   Emissions from heating and powering London’s commercial buildings are estimated to comprise 18% of the capital’s carbon footprint.  The Business Climate Challenge provides free bespoke technical support, and also…

The City of London School for Girls publishes their first newsletter, Greenshoots.

The City of London School for Girls is right in the heart of the Barbican and the City of London. They have long been leaders in issues around energy and carbon and have now published their first newsletter; Green Shoots. Led by Aman Kanwar the Head of Economics, the School has been measuring its carbon footprint and calculated this to…