
What should we expect from COP28?

COP28 is upon us and despite the previous signs of dire outcomes the nearer we come to the start of the sessions; the glimmers of positive action and outcomes begin to glow. Or is that just the early Christmas lights? This annual climate event is expected to require the nations to report the progress that they have made on reducing…

COP 15 Chaired by China and hosted by Montreal Canada in December 2022 – by Dr Heather Barrett-Mold, Gardeners

COP is short for The Conference of the Parties. In 2022 there were three; biodiversity (COP15), climate change (COP27) and world wildlife (COP19). The numbers refer to how many times the parties have met. Biodiversity and climate change are closely linked but COP15 will focus on strategies to halt biodiversity loss, whereas COP27 is focusing on limiting global warming to…

COP26: How did it all turn out? – by Alison Gowman

“Hopes unfulfilled but not buried”  said Antonio Guterres  the UN Secretary General. He went on “The COP26 deal is a compromise reflecting the interests, contradictions and state of political will in the world today. It’s an important step but it’s not enough. It’s time to go into emergency mode. The climate battle is the fight of our lives and that…