
LCAG Newsletter Autumn 2024

Our eighth Newsletter about LCAG activities and other Livery-led Climate actions towards Net Zero Emissions, Climate Adaptation and Climate Resilience. Be sure to read all four pages and, if you wish, download a .pdf version by hovering and clicking on the icon on the navigation bar at the top or bottom of the pages. [pdf-embedder url="" title="Newsletter Autumn 2024"]

Green and sustainable finance – an international look at a hot topic

The Worshipful Company of International Bankers and Deutsche Bank hosted an event on 3rd September and Senior Warden Elect Tim Skeet commented on the discussions: ‘ESG in practice’, an event organised by the WCIB and hosted by Deutsche Bank, offered a good hard look at what those three letters mean in practice. ESG and more specifically green finance is a…

The Tallow Chandlers’ Response to Net Zero Emissions

Since the Tallow Chandlers signed up as a member of the Livery Climate Action Group (LCAG) in January 2023, we have made significant steps forward in understanding our carbon footprint and our responsibility to make progress towards achieving a net zero profile. Our first response was to establish a green sub-group reporting to the Hall Management Committee. This was important…