
Furniture Makers’ Company launches Climate Change and Sustainability Committee

The Furniture Makers’ Company has launched a Climate Change and Sustainability Committee, and the inaugural meeting was held by zoom on Tuesday 14 June 2022. It was attended by committee members from the Company along with invited guests Rob Casey and Martin Gettings from the Livery Climate Action Group and Nick Levens from Life’s Kitchen (see photo below) The committee…

How Can Glass Help in Restoring the Biosphere? – A Glass Sellers Video

Watch video here. The video provides a summary of findings showing how humanity as a whole response to climate change and environmental degradation is going to form the framework of everything that happens in the future and in particular how this may impact the glass industry and where the industry may be able to be an important part of the solutions.

The ‘Constructors’ Launch Climate Action Webpages

We are very pleased to report that the Worshipful Company of Constructors have recently launched their Climate Action Webpages. These pages set out the ambitions and activities of their Climate Action Committee, which was formed in January 2021, is a founder member and active participant of the Liveries Climate Action Group. Importantly these webpages set out how to get involved in…