
Searching for sustainable supplies of willow – by Sasha Keir, Basketmakers

I am the chair of the Trade Committee of the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers and have been travelling around the UK looking at the work done growing willow, a staple need for Basketmakers. Initially it was a quest to see where basketry supplies came from as both Brexit and the escalating costs of logistics are creating new opportunities for home…

The Blacksmiths Guild and Net Zero Emissions – by Merv Allen, FWCB Master of The Blacksmiths Guild

Blacksmithing is a dirty business. The burning of non-renewable fuels to increase the temperature of iron and steel to the levels required for forging has radically increased since the 18th Century and they continue to be used by blacksmiths today. We now know beyond doubt that our planet is in crisis due to global warming. It is therefore vital that…

Introduction to our blogs

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Introduction to LCAG blogs A space for personal views and contributions that will add to the debate and discussions on appropriate responses to the climate change challenge. These blogs do not necessarily reflect the settled views of the Livery Climate Action Group, but in the interests of transparency and inclusivity, the Group considers it important to allow a forum…

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