Accelerating the Transition to a Circular Economy

Many members of LCAG were delighted to attend the Water Conservators’ Livery Company first City Environment debate, aligning to their regular City Water debates.  The topic was “Accelerating the Transition to a Circular Economy”.  This topic was selected to explore the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, which seeks to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.  Hosted by WCWC  Livery Member, Allan Barton, it was held at Arup’s Fitzrovia office. The speakers covered all aspects of the circular economy with an overriding message that we need to push harder and faster in the transition.

The speakers provided much verifiable data and information to back up some impressive points as set out in the detailed report.

The range of businesses and organisations both on the panel and in the audience showed the key importance of this topic.

A full report on the debate can be downloaded here.

There is also a podcast recorded after the event featuring Adam Read, Tim Walker (President CIMW) and Allan Barton. Listen here.