Livery Climate Action Group 1st SPOC meeting

On joining the Livery Climate Action Group (LCAG), each member is asked to nominate a single point of contact (SPOC) as a direct way for the LCAG to communicate to the heart of the Livery concerned. Over the first 15 months of the existence of the Group we have held induction sessions for the SPOCs in order to get them familiarised with the website guidance notes and colleagues. We ran 5 sessions that over 50 SPOCs attended.

Now in the next phase of our work, with over 80 Liveries as members, we are holding quarterly meetings for SPOCs to share ideas and updates with colleagues. This chimes with the idea that the LCAG is a collaborative and self-help group that facilitates and helps and does not preach or demand from its members.

At our first meeting on May 16th 2023 30 attended and the following topics were raised and discussed:

The Scientific Instrument Makers with the Glaziers (both at Glaziers’ Hall) have linked into the Mayor of London’s Business Climate Challenge work with the aim of reducing the Hall’s carbon footprint by 10% this year. They wrote a blog about this on the LCAG website

The Builders’ Merchants have an ESG working party and are creating their Climate Action Plan. LCAG do recommend forming a small committee as it is easier to build ideas in a group and then spread them out to the rest of the Livery.

The International Bankers spoke about their industry being very regulated. They were happy to be part of the Green Aviation Task Group (GATG)  that is tackling the issues around greening aviation with a wide variety of Liveries taking part. GATG is affiliated to the LCAG.

Sasha Keir of the Basketmakers confirmed that they were looking at their investment portfolio to create a greener outcome and that their trade members are working on growing basket making materials as there was a shortage or difficulty of supply and the cultivation itself helped carbon storage.

The Vintners were keen to be challenged by anyone wanting to use their Hall on the questions around sustainability. They highlight the consumer power and ability to influence Hall owners and hospitality venues by asking about food sourcing, seasonal supplies and wider issues such as paying the London Living Wage. The SPOCs for non-Hall owning Liveries were asked to take the opportunity to help change practices and behaviours.

The Lightmongers were working on plans to help offices and Halls deliver around lighting plans.

The Fruiterers have a draft climate plan being prepared by a committee in their Livery. They are trying different ways to look at carbon offsetting of their events, including using seed paper for menus ( this is paper impregnated with seeds that can be planted in the ground after use).


Set up a WhatsApp group. The SPOCs decided that to keep in touch and share information, we would form a WhatsApp group and if you are a SPOC and not yet joined then do contact We are already having some useful chats and hearing more about actions and events.

Next meeting for SPOCs on Monday 24th July from 5 – 6 pm